So every day I try and get out and do a little yard work. However, our yard is so big, and we have so many flower beds, that in this hot weather and me being pregnant, I can't stay out very long. As you can see in this pic, our weeds did especially well this year. I was able to pull alot before, but still had half the yard to do. I had basically just given up on the backyard. Until a couple of days ago my sweet neighbor Lorilee came over and said her girls wanted to do trade with me. They all wanted their hair done and in return they would come dig out all of my weeds.
When I got home from my doctors appointment yesterday, they were hard at work. I barely recognized my back yard. We have some beautiful plants growing that were hidden by weeds. Lorilee, Staci, and Mallisa filled the garbage can at least 10 times full of weeds and took them to a trailor they had across the street.
It was such a great trade. I got to do what I love and get to know these girls a little more. And in return, I can walk around my yard now without the anxiety I had before.
And on top of all that, her other kids came over to mow the lawn and trim around the edges. They wanted to allow Das more time to spend with us when he was in town.
We are truely blessed to have such wonderful neighbors.