Looks Like an Angel....
Talks Like an Angel...
Walks Like and Angel....
He's the
Ashton really is such a sweet child. He loves to help us around the house....ALL the time. He has a little bit of OCD and everything has to be perfect. Today he vacumed the whole house for me. He always wants to clean his own dish out. I love that he likes to help, except when I am in a hurry.lol Ashton is also very sweet to everyone. He doesn't say much when you talk to him. Just smile and nods. He primary teachers say he is so quite in class and is their best. He loves to give hugs and kisses. And always says "thank you." But when you upset him, the whole neighborhood can hear. He throws the worst tantrums. Das likes to record them. And Ashton is so stuborn. He will not quit until we give in. And lately, he has been calling Tristan a B*@%&.