Sunday was a very busy day for us. We woke up really early to attend a time share thing for Holliday Inn. Eventually we would like to buy into a time share, but not right now. The guy thought we were blowing smoke up his butt when we told him how much we have vacationed the last 3 years and how little we paid.
But it's true. With my parents who are very generous with all they have, and points Das has accrued through traveling for work, we have vactationed a lot at a very little cost. We are very fortunate. And we have taken advantage every chance we get.
After the time share, we headed straight to the pool. Not a cloud in the sky. And the pool was a perfect temperature. Logan wasn't sure at first how he felt about the pool but soon was swimming like a fish.
We took a break for lunch and I tried to get Logan down for a nap. But he wouldn't go to sleep. But then he napped at the pool for a bit while we soaked up some more sun.
Das found a mexican resaurant close to Freemont Street that we headed to for dinner. Logan wanted to walk around, but didn't want to keep his shoes on. Dirty Dirty!
We then walked over to Freemont Street to check out the entertainment. At first the boys were a little scared, but started getting excited to take pictures with some of their favorite characters. This was my first time at Old Las Vegas. I really enjoyed it as did the kids. It is more kid friendly than the strip.
The top of Freemont St is covered and is constantly flashing lights and a show every hour. There is lots going on every 10 ft.
This would be mine and Das's 5th trip to Vegas since we started seeing each other 4 years ago. But it was the first trip where we had the boys. So we didn't do any gambling or staying out late. I kept telling Das he should go out, but he preferred not to. We have too much fun as a family. We will save that for our next trip without the children.
Logan was so amused by everything, that he didn't make a peep the whole time and had this amazed look on his face. Das was worried he would start screaming if we did a picture with him and the smurfs, so he was going to stand in the pic and hold him. But the girl smurf insisted on taking him. He did just fine.