So far since I was called for the 8 year old activity leader, we have done two activities.
The first one we just played some "getting to know you" games. And the girls ran around for a while after they ate smore's I made. My group started out as 5 girls. And I just found out this week I have more. A total of 13 girls this month until December. Just the 5 I had were out of control. lol But I am really enjoying my calling. I probably won't be keeping it after the baby is born.
The 2nd activity the girls decorated magnetic boards. They were very creative and even decorated my table with glitter.=)

The next activity is next week after we get home from St. George. We are making CTR magnets to go with their boards. If all 13 girls show up, it's gonna get wild. But these girls are such a cute bunch. I am so blessed to get to work with them.
Maddison lives next door to us. I think Tristan has a little crush on her. I don't blame him with her cute dimples.
Maya is probably the most outgoing. She told Tristan that she thought he was cute and could walk home were her. Uh Oh! Trouble!
Cassidy was the newest to the group this activity. Just barely 8 the day before.
Ashley came late, but caught up real fast with the rest of the girls.
Bailey was quite at first, but she definitely came out of her shell with the rest of them.
One that I had made earlier for a friend. But I used material instead of paper. I found the magnetic boards at the dollar store. They were just these ugly metal pictures. I had Das drill holes in them for the ribbon.