We had an extremely short summer break. The boys went from D track to A track. I was bummed about it at first, but then after a few weeks of them being home all day....I was going crazy with "bored" children at my ear.
I was a little annoyed that they went back the day after the 24th. The kids stayed up late the night before. We had Ratha and Racie out for a BBQ and then they did fireworks with the neighbor kids.
Although since Ashton went into 1st grade this year, he just had to attend orientation Wednesday and his first "real" day was Thursday. So both mornings I had to get all the kids up and loaded in the car to see that Tristan and Ashton got in their right lines.
Ashton loves school. He woke up at 7:00 AM all pumped up to go. He kept coming in to my room every 10 minutes asking when it was time to go. Usually he sleeps past 9. I wish Tristan enjoyed school as much as Ashton does. It is going to be a great year for these two. So glad they are only a grade apart and will always have a friend. And as much as I love my children, it has been so silent at home.....which I am enjoying for the moment.