Saturday, March 3, 2012

Cleopatra the Cat

I use our kitty Cleo to lure little girls into our home. lol 
My sister came over a few weeks ago to have her hair done, and brought her daughter Bethany with her.  She followed the cat around everywhere.  And the cat handles it very well.  She carried her around like a doll.  And wanted to take her home.

And last week my friends two little girls came over for a little bit.  It was the same thing.  They did not want to leave her alone.  And then they didn't want to leave.  When we went to go pick the boys up from school, they insisted the cat come with us.  Is this all it takes to get a girl? lol  I sure do enjoy having adorable girls over every now and then.  When the boys are over to play...they just want to torture the cat.  So if your little girls are missing....check my house first.=)

Baby Face Das

During the colder months, Das likes to grow out his beard to keep warm.  Each year he does this, more and more grey hairs start to grow in.  Mostly in his chin as you can see.

 So....just for fun....I put "Just For Men" in his stocking.  And of course it got stashed under the bath room sink.  So yesterday he decided it was time for the beard to go.  I suggested we try out the dye, since he would be shaving it off anyway. 
He was such a good sport!  I was pretty sloppy applying since it wasn't going to stay that long.  He kept it on for 5 minutes, and washed it off in the shower.  I think he was actually impressed with the color.  I think he was almost going to keep the beard for a few more days.  But no luck.  then he thought maybe he'd do a goatee....but nope.  Das has such a baby face.  When that beard comes off, we hardly recognize him. 

 Isn't he soooo cute?! LOL
But really.... I love his beard in the winter and love it even more when he shaves it off.  Even Logan looked at him funny and wouldn't touch his face.  It always takes some getting use to.

Tuesday, February 28, 2012

We're Engaged!!!

Sunday evening we got together at Ratha and Racie's house to celebrate the engagement of our cousin Margie and Chris.  We have know for a few months that they were looking at rings, but it was just a few weeks ago that Chris popped the question.  So exciting!  You two are such a cute couple! 
Racie did haystacks and a delicious dessert.  Thanks guys for having us all over.   

Logan and Boston are just getting to the age that they are noticing each other.  They sat and played with Maverick and shared a book with each other.  These boys are just too cute!

Love is in the air...

Above is my nephew Taylor(My sisters oldest of 6 boys) and his adorable fiance Paige.  They are getting married next week in the Draper Temple.  Taylor is the first grandchild to tie the knot.  We are so excited for them.  I am excited to attend my first sealing, other than my own. 
This is my nephew Mike and his darling gf Megan. They should be next.....MIKE!!! 
These are my sister Lynette's 3 youngest boys.  Jake, Zach, and Dan with my sister Christine.  My sister Lynette threw Taylor an Paige a couples bridal shower Saturday night.  She made lasagna and we each brought something to eat.  It was really neat.  After dinner they had a cute game put together for the bride and groom.  They put them back to back and gave them each a pink and blue balloon.  They then asked them questions like, "who will be the disciplinary."  And lots more.  They were to raise the balloon for who they thought.  It was sweet and funny. 
Another nephew David and sweet gf Tara.  Hopefully another wedding in the making.:)

Taylor and Paige....we wish you all the happiness in the world.  Marriage had been so good to Das and I, and we hope you will be as blessed and happy as we have been.  Cherish every moment!  Congrats!