Saturday, January 22, 2011

Always Growing...and Growing...And Growing

Last week I noticed Tristans tooth was coming in behind his baby tooth.  I was worried he was gonna have to have it pulled.  But luckily it kept loosening over the week.  Then last night I tried my job at pulling it.  I onl got one shot at it and I failed.  But it was hanging on by a thread.  Tristan went to bed complaining it hurt and then came out ten minutes later so excited that he pulled it out.  His first tooth!  The tooth fairy came, and he has been so excited to have gotten 5 dollars.  He has been carrying it around with him all day.

This moring was haircut morning.  Tristan, Ashton and Das were looking a little shaggy.  But Ashton couldn't put the WII down for fifteen minutes for me to cut it.  At least it kept him entertained.  I can't believe how big my boys are.  It feels like yesterday they were as little as Logan.  Someone please slow down time!!!

Sunday, January 16, 2011


Touch Down!  Keep on Rollin!

All Dogs Go To Heaven

A Tribute to Thor....or as Pete use to call him, Siberian Prick.  Thor joined the Jettie family in 1996 as a little pup.  He was 14 years old and lived a good long life for a dog.  It is always so hard to lose a pet, and even harder when you have to put them down.  He was a great dog.  The family will miss him dearly.  But we know he is now with Pete in a better place.
Pete use to say,"Thor sheds enough hair to weave an Indian blanket." I wonder what he would say about Alma's porn star shirt. lol Love ya Alms!;)
He loved to chase cars and drove the neighbors crazy.  He was great with children and Tristan and Ashton loved to sit and pet him.
If he had a plate of food in front of him, he would growl if you got near it.  Alma cooked him a steak for his last meal.  And even though he was hard of hearing, he still growled at them yesterday when they tried to touch his dish.
We will always love you Thor and will be missed!  Give Pete hell for us!