Our trip to San Diego has been so much fun! This is a view from our condo. Right on the beach....so nice! We got in yesterday and just relaxed after the drive. We left Tuesday night, drove to St. George and stayed at the condo there. Woke up early Wednesday and drove straight here. The boys did really well. And so far, my feet haven't swollen up.
This morning we went down to the beach. It's been cloudy and a little chilly, but it was still beautiful.
The kids had a fun time building sand castles. I would have been more help, if I could get off the towel easier.lol
Das thought it was funny to throw the frisbees into the water. Tristan and Ashton kept freaking out that they were gonna be lost. so after a few times of them crying, he would just start going over to the frisbees and pretending like he was gonna do it. At one point Ashton was gonna sit on them. It was pretty funny.
Tristan didn't think so though. lol
Notice Ashton's hand on the frisbees? They became so protctive of them.
After we showered we headed over to La Jolla to check out the seals. Gotta love my huge belly in this photo. I could go lay with the seals, and you wouldn't be able to find me. hehe We actually ran into a friend of mine, Talia, from high school. So crazy to see someone miles away from home, who I haven't seen in ten years in my own state.
These two baby seals were so cute, just playing.
We are loving every minute of our trip. I am so thankful to be able to travel with my family to so many different places. Life doesn't get any better than to have my husband by my side, and my wonderful boys along for the ride. I wouldn't want it any other way. Next trip we will need a bigger car though.:)