Unfortunately, I didn't take very many pics Sunday. I just had to much going on, and forgot. But Sunday morning the boys woke up pretty early to find their Easter baskets that were filled with lots of little toys. Their favorites seem to be the bug lockers. Boys! After church we rushed home to clean up and prepare food. We of course had to get a Honey Baked Ham.

Logan was the only one who had an Easter outfit this year. The boys just wore their regular church clothes.
Das's mother came home from India a few days ago. She brought a bunch of gifts with her to give to the kids. This is Logan enjoying his gift from grandma. She also brought back some calming oils and stuffed animals, coloring books, and a board game for the boys. They love them.
Ratha and Racie couldn't make dinner, but were able to stop by afterwards to visit. Such cute boys in their Eater outfits. I can't believe how fast they grow up.
I am so thankful for this Holiday and for the chance to reflect on Christ and his sacrifices for us. I feel so blessed to have what I have. How grateful I am for the atonement of Christ, for the sacrifice he made for us, and for the knowledge of his resurrection...that he lives again...that we may have eternal life.