I guess I will go back 48 hours to tell you my story. It started really Friday morning when Das went with me to my ultrasound because the baby is measuring small. Ultrasound showed his head being the right size but not his body. They have me scheduled for further tests. But Friday night I was extremely paranoid I was leaking amniotic fluid. Das was very comforting and said everything will be fine but to call the doctor in the morning to go in and ease my mind. So Saturday we woke up to Ashton calling Tristan the B word, over and over. Das did what I have been avoiding.....put tabasco in his mouth. I think he learned his lesson. lol Then while I was getting ready for the doctors, Das went to the store and purchased pumpkins. He brought them home and spent the next couple of hours letting the boys pick out how they wanted their pumpkins and carving them with them.
Both boys were to scared to touch the goop at first.
They were so weirded out by the fact he put some in his mouth. It was the funniest thing ever.
After carving pumpkins, we headed to Labor and Delivery. Das sat there patiently while they checked me out and told me nothing was leaking. Then Das took me to lunch. We came home and started cleaning for Ratha and Racie to come over to watch the U game. Das had Ashton following him around the whole time helping. And I know this sounds cute, but it can get quite annoying. lol Ashton loves to clean but it takes him twice as long. So while I was in the kitchen, Das and Ashton were upstairs. Ashton was constantly saying, "like this Das? Is it my turn? Let me do it!" Das was very good to let him help. I would have been yelling at him to go play.
And then even though it was raining, we headed out the door to go Trick or Treating. We could only get the boys to go to a couple of circles.
After watching the game, we turned on some old family videos that Das found at his dad's. It was so much fun to see the kids so young and to see Pete again. Das and I stayed up until 1:30 watching them. We woke up Sunday morning and Das pulled out his phone to have me listen to my wonderful snoring that woke him up in the middle of the night. And Das doesn't wake up to anything. lol Only 5 more weeks sweetie.:) We got out of bed and I made a key lime pie for my nephews farwell, cut Das's hair, and got ready for the boys Primary program. The morning was going great. Das left early to meet with the bishopric, yes a calling was in store.:) He was gonna come back for us if he had time, but he didn't. I packed the boys up and headed over. They moved our ward house recently and I had only been there once before. Daybreak has a ton of stop signs and four way stops. I finally had the church in site. I stopped at my last stop sign and quickly decided to go straight instead on right. As I pulled out, SMACK, I hit another car. This stop sign was NOT a 4 way stop. I was in shock. I wasn't sure what just hit me.....I mean what I just hit. I instantly grabbed my phone and called Das. He was there in minutes.(This happens to be the same exact street that I popped Das's tire on) The family I hit was in the ward, and were more concerned about me. I was mostly embarrassed. My car was ok, but their's wasn't so lucky. Everyone was fine, but we were all shookin up. Das was there for me every minute. Making sure I was sitting down, he filled out the information, talked to the cop, and just made sure I felt ok. We finished up, and went to watch the Primary program. I then had a farwell to go to, and Das had a plane to catch. He was worried about me driving alone. My nephew's farwell was very neat. He spoke on integrity. And I thought to myself, above all the other qualities my husband has, he has integrity. I wanted to get a copy of my nephews talk, but he had most of it in my head. But he said something like this, " Integrity means knowing good from evil, right from wrong, and acting accordingly. It means always trying to be truthful when it would be easier to tell a lie, which can grow worse and worse. It means following through with your commitments, when it would seem easier to quit. Our we honest with oursleves, our family, and most importantly, God? Do we refrain from talking gossip? Do we stand true for our values?" And I couldn't get Das out of my head. He has the highest integrity of anyone I know...besides my Dad. “Integrity is doing the right thing, even if nobody is watching.” I have such a wonderful husband. He is my best friend and I couldn't have gotten through this weekend without him. He has integrity in everything he does. He treats me with respect and love. He provides for us. And he puts up with us. Everyday I see how truely blessed I am to have him in my life. He is a great example to our children and he is someone I want to strive to be like.