A couple of years ago around this same time I started this blog. One of my first blogs was about my parents celebrating their 48th anniversary. And just the other night, we celebrated their 50th anniversary.
What a wonderful and exciting thing to celebrate. And such an accomplishment for them.
What a wonderful and exciting thing to celebrate. And such an accomplishment for them.
My nephew Taylor and his adorable fiance, Paige.
The Mcbride's
We booked a room at the Joseph Smith Memorial Building. The view of the temple was gorgeous with all the lights hung. And the food was delicious.
My oldest sister Lynette conducted. During dinner she asked each of the children to stand up and tell a memory we had. The memories had us all laughing and crying. And we each paid tribute to our wonderful parents and their example.
After we finished eating, my sister Amy had put together a slide show for everyone. It started back when my parents were children and ended with the last grandchild being born(Logan). And then a small clip of my nephew Cameron serving a mission in South America. There wasn't a dry eye in the room after that. It was also really neat to have pictures at the end of Das and my recent sealing. We are the last of my parents children to get sealed and to make sure we have no empty chairs. Amy also gathered pictures from each of us to put into a 150 page scrapbook to surprise my parents with. It turned out lovely.
After the video, we all sat and enjoyed a beautiful song written and sung by my rock star sister...Amy! I want to get a copy of it. She has such talent and I love to hear her perform. This song was called,"A Beautiful Life."
The night turned out perfectly. I am thankful for creative sisters who spent months putting it all together. And for my brother for letting us do it.:) But most of all, I am thankful for my parents and for their everlasting example of love and marriage. They have a marriage that I strive to live for. Families are forever and they have proved that families can stay together through all. I have never heard my parents fight or talk bad about one another. They have always put each other first. I hope to someday accomplish 50 years of marriage with my perfect husband.
The night ended with my parents expressing their undevoted love for each other. After 50 years, they are still so in love and it truly is a beautiful life.
A small clip I took of my sister singing.