Monday we met with his teacher and found his desk. Ashton starts kindergarten!!! next Tuesday. He has been so bored this week with out Tristan. I am glad though we were given the afternoon kindergarten class. I didn't want it as first, but it works out great. This way by the end of the year, Tristan and Ashton can walk home together.
Tristan's friend Zane lives across the street from us. His mother Collette and I have set up a carpool. So I pick Zane and his sister Lexi up several times a week, and she does the rest. All though I don't work, it is nice to not have to pack Logan up every day. I am so thankful to Das for his hard work that allows me to stay home with our children.
The 1st graders line up in a different spot than all the rest. It's gonna take some planning for me to make sure Tristan can find Ashton after school to get a ride home. I love that they are only a grade apart though.
This is his teacher Ms. Jensen. She has been so cute with the kids and I think she is going to be a joy for Tristan.
Ashton was ready to go home and go back to bed. I have a tough time getting him up before 9 most of the time. The doctor thinks he doesn't sleep well because he has large tonsils, which he will be getting removed next month.
Daybreak has proved to be such a wonderful school. I am excited to see all my boys learn and experience this next step in their lives. It is going to be a great year!