The last couple of weekends have been non stop for us. We have been outside working in our yard like crazy.
Das even took Friday off to get some stuff done, and we still have lots to do. But man the yard sure looks great. Das finally finished with the gravel this weekend. Last weekend we had a mob of boys show up with shovels to help out for some service they needed for scouts.
Later that night he built a fire for them and let them roast marshmallows. We love our neighbors and their great kids. Tristan and Ashton are the youngest, and these older boys are so great to always include them.
It will be tough finding neighborhs as great as ours.

Logan of course had to be outside with everyone. He was mesmorized by the fire. I tried to stay far from the smoke since I had just showered, but I still stunk.
I couldn't help much with the gravel, so I spent a lot of time these past weekends weeding and planting.
This weekend Das finished up with the gravel which sure looks so great! And then he started working on my drip system. It hasn't really run properly the last couple of years, so he went and got all the stuff to fix it so I wouldn't have to hand water everything.
These stones were sitting at the house on Lincoln Lane. Das did not want to bring them home. He couldn't envision a place for them in our yard like I could. And they turned out great. They will look even better once the ground cover spreads.

It is so nice not to have to worry about this side of the house anymore. All it was, was a bunch of weeds. Now we just need to get some four wheelers to store in this space.
Saturday evening Das hosted a poker party at our house, so I took the boys out to a movie. We took the front row so Logan could run around. The boys had a lot of fun.

Sunday after church we went out to visit Rama at his treatment center. The boys wanted to feed the horses.
I told them we would bring some carrots next week.

We have gotten so much done these past few weeks. We still have lots more to do, but its coming along nicely. We are definitely looking forward to Memorial weekend for a nice break.