By the time we got to my parents house, they had already started dinner. So we grabbed us a plate and proceeded to stuff our faces again. I love being pregnant over the Holidays. I can eat, and not worry to much about the weight gain. lol
I of course was camera happy, so I carried Das's phone around with me.
Amy and Mont VanWagenen
My mother, and Rebecca. And this is where the night ended. Well, not exactly true. I headed into use the restroom. As I prepared to sit on the toilet I heard a plink and plunk. I was horrified to turn around. Could this really be happening to me....AGAIN?! Sure enough, Das's iphone was in the toilet. I snatched it out, wiped it off, said a little prayer that Das wouldn't kill me, and headed to hide. As I headed to find some rice, I ran into Das and told him what I had done. Can I just say I have such a wonderful husband? He is so patient and kind. I knew he had to be upset, but he didn't show it. So the night did continue. Just waiting on pictures from siblings to post more. And as for the iphone....It Survived!!! It spent 3 days in some rice and came out just fine. It must have been that little prayer I said.
To be Continued.....