Saturday, March 5, 2011

The Melting Pot

Sunday night my ex husband came into town to see Tristan and Ashton.  Das and I took advantage and got a room downtown at the Radisson Monday night.  We headed down right around check in time.  After we checked in, we called and made reservations for The Melting Pot.  We had never tried it before and heard it was a really fun place to go.
The beds were sleep number beds.  We could adjust them to the firmness or softness that we wanted.  It was pretty cool.  Here is Das getting his groove on with his sleep number bed.  More to come on the sleep number bed further down you read. lol (not what you think people)
We had dressed up for the night, fed Logan so he wouldn't interupt our meal, and as were about to put him in his car seat.....BLAH.....All over Das and his nice shirt.  Logan is not much of a spitter upper, so I am guessing we fed him way to much, and someone didn't burp him well enough......Das!  Logan ended up sleeping all through dinner.   Which was great since its a 3 hour ordeal.
I didn't realize that each table has there very own burner.  They started out by bringing us salad and a cheese fondue.  To dip in the cheese they brought raw vegetables, bread, and apples.  This was all going to nicely until Das dropped a carrot into the cheese.  He kept stabbing at it and pushed so hard on the bowl that the top came flying off.  Well, underneath the cheese is hot water.....and that hot water came flying all over me.  I'm just glad it wasn't too hot and that it wasn't the cheese.
After the cheese comes the broth.  They bring out more vegetables to put in the broth to cook while you are cooking your meat as well.  The meats they brought out were duck, beaf, chicken, lobster, and shrimp.  Yummy!  But by this time, we were stuffed.  So much for my diet!
But it didn't matter when they brought this out with the chocolate sauce to dip.  The brownies were my favorite....oh and the marshmallows.

When we got back to the room, we were gonna rent a movie, but Das fell asleep.  I don't blame him since we had just stuffed our faces.  We were planning on putting Logan in one bed, and us in the other.  But since he fell alseep....I thought I would try and be funny by changing his sleep number mattress to the firmest it would go.  He noticed it around 3 AM. lol  I on the other hand slept very comfy on my soft mattress next to Logan. 
We really had a great time, and I am thankful to have moments like these with my husband.