A few months ago, one of our friends came up with the idea of doing this Devil Dash 5k. I opted out because I was pregnant at the time and didn't know if I'd be able to do it with a new born. But Das was lucky enough to participate.
So Saturday he met up with the group ready to roll. The Devil Dash is a 5K obstacle course with a lot of mud. Das had a great time. We've talked about doing it together next year. But I don't think my costume will be as good as Das's was. lol Look at those legs!;)
While he was gone, the boys and I made these stones for my garden. I've been wanting to find something for this path in my front yard that will not grow anything because of the boys walking through it not stop. So I though it would be fun to make a craft for them. They had fun doing it, and they work perfect for the pathway.
I'm thinking maybe he had to much fun at the Devil Dash. lol