Sunday, August 7, 2011

My Sister's a RockStar!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

A few weeks ago my sister in law Mirabai invited us to Highlands Days where she lives.  She was looking at all the activities and saw that my sister Amy would be performing.  Of course we accepted and met up with them yesterday.  They live within walking distance to the park, so we got there and headed over. 
We found some shade and enjoyed listening to Amy's beautiful voice.  Her husband Mont was playing his guitar with two other men.  They did so good it brought tears to my eyes.  The last time we saw them perform was at our wedding.  "Lucky" by Jason Mraz.   
I love listening to my sister sing.  I have her cd on my ipod and turn it on all the time.  She has such talent and someday I am sure we will hear her on the radio. 
The boys found Josh and Carly hanging out in the shade.  They wanted to go home with them..... 

Can you tell we are sisters?! lol I feel really special to be a sister of this talented woman.  I wish I could sing and write songs like her. 
When we got home, we started to clean and pack.  I had heard years ago from someone on a plane that celery was a great thing to give to toddlers.  One, its hard for them to break down and feels good on their gums.  Two, it's high in fiber.  I've never tried it before....but I just happened to have celery last night, so Das gave him some.  He loved it! 
Mr. Logan got himself stuck.  He can move everywhere....except forward. LOL  I am so not ready to have him crawl.   Tristan and Ashton have way to many toys laying around that he could choke on.  And the toilets!!!  Tristan was the worse.  He plugged the toilets up so many times.   
So with as weird as the weather has been....we are finally getting some veggies.  Zucchini and squash.  I fried some up last night with some shrimp and pasta.  It was delicious!  We have lots of green tomatoes and peppers coming in.  Can't wait to make some salsa.  Broccoli isn't doing so well because of the damn aphids.  But the peas were great as well as the cilantro.....but we never used it.:(  raspberries are out of control, and everything else is being eaten by our pocket gophers. Ugh! 
Before Das and I got married, I bought him a Red Sox piggy bank.  He use to say something about collecting nickles for every time I didn't finish a story or thought.  We don't have a lot of nickles these days. lol  Anyway, I put the piggy bank on his dresser with a roll of nickles and called her Suey.  My brother in laws used to holler that to me until I would cry.  Get it?lol SUUUEEYY  Every time we go on a vacation like this, we cash Suey in and bet before hand how much she had.  Last year was only 50.  This year.....$110!!!!!