A few months ago Ashton had his 5 year check up. The doctor said his tonsils were extremely large and asked is he had a tough time sleeping. In fact...he had. He has always been a heavy breather, and snores. The doctor recommended having his tonsils removed. He said it would probably also cure his bed wetting. The doctor said that Ashton was not reaching his REM's and would be a lot happier after the surgery.

When we arrived, Ashton was in good spirits. He was looking forward to Popsicles, ice cream, and missing school. He was more concerned about people seeing him in his Jammie's then the surgery.
The nurse came in and gave Ashton some medicine to relax him. Within 5 minutes he was feeling REAL good. I had him on my lap the whole time and he kept trying to climb off but his whole body would flop forward and he couldn't get back up. He thought it was so funny. Several times he would say, "WOW." Or would ask what Tristan was doing here. Then when I told him no one was in there he would laugh. Then at times he would get so serious. If anyone has ever seen the little boy on YouTube that just had his teeth pulled....that was Ashton today. All though, Ashton couldn't even talk.
Twenty minutes later they came with the wagon to take him to surgery. They wheeled him away with a huge smile on his face the whole time.
He was not a happy camper afterwards obviously. He was still slurring his speech and was crying cuz it hurt so bad. Once he was ready to go, we headed home and he slept the whole way.
I got him to sit on the couch with me for a while, but still he wouldn't sleep. When Tristan came home from school, they played some cards for a while. Then all the sudden they were no where to be found. I ran outside and here come Tristan and Ashton riding down the street on their bikes. I yelled to get their butts inside. Ashton looked sick at this point. He hasn't left the couch since, but still hasn't slept. He has been so good and I am sure I would be a lot worse off.
He's so cute, Sue! email me for a invite to my blog. lspencer1127@gmail.com