What would we do without our sweet Logan!? Everyday is something new with him. I can't believe how fast he is growing. He loves his daddy and big brothers so much.

A few months ago we bought a gate to keep him from going upstairs. That obviously hasn't worked out so well.

And when he gets to the top, he thinks he is so funny and will sit on the edge laughing. Scares me to death, but he has learned to come back down, so I think the gate will come down as well.
Any time we pull out the computer, iphones, itouches......Logan is instantly by our side ready to play. He manuevers them pretty well. The other day we did face time with Das while Das was sitting next to us on the couch. He thought that was pretty great.

Das took this picture last week of him being very persistent to go play with his brothers upstairs.

And he got stuck! I am sure one of these days he will fall down the stairs. It's bound to happen. But at least we tried. A few other little things he does...fakes laughing when we are all laughing at something. Says the word sh**. Well at least that's what it sounds like. Says here kitty kitty, or at least tries. Says dada. Signs "eat" and "play". He makes a grunting noise while turning his face red.(constipation sound) He sticks his tongue out and spits when he is angry. He has started hitting us when he isn't getting his way...which isn't often. And my favorite...he gives slobbery kisses and loves.
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