Sunday, March 3, 2013

Our Saturday in the car...

Even though we received two offers already on our home, we still wanted to let all the scheduled showings for Saturday still come through.  They were scheduled all day Saturday starting at 8:30.  So we were up super early and out the door by 8. 
Our first stop was breakfast at Subway and then out to Lehi to check on our lot.  Unfortunately the weather was horrible, so we couldn't see much.  After a while of driving around, we noticed a tire was going flat.  We pulled up to a gas station just to find their tire pump was broken.  Our tire by that point was too flat to find another gas station.  So Das had to pull into the car wash and put the spare on.  His hands were frozen by the time he was done.

We found the nearest Big O Tires, and headed in to the busy waiting room.  1 1/2 hours later and several bags of popcorn....we were back on the road.

We decided to head over to Cabellas for some shopping. 

It was past lunch so we decided to introduce the boys to Chuck O Rama.  What Das refers to is Upchuck O Rama.  The big thing the boys went for were their wings.

They said this place is Heaven!

They of course had to have lots of dessert.  They could barely move afterwards.  We walked through a couple more Ivory Home models before we were finally able to head home.  So glad our house sold fast and we don't have to worry about showings again.

Jr. Jazz and Blue and Gold Banquet


One thing I am going to miss about this neighborhood is all the great friends the boys have made.  Ashton has been doing soccer and Jr. Jazz with the same group of boys.

The were undefeated until there last game.  They sure had a lot of fun. 
We attended our very first Blue and Gold Banquet of many to come.  Tristan goes to scouts every week and has really enjoyed it.  I love the scouting program.  I can't wait to see each of my boys work torwards getting their eagle with the help of their dad.

They served spaghetti w/meatballs and served cake afterwards.  What a fun night for Tristan.

Such great boys we have!
I hope they call me on a mission!

Potty Training 101

When we found out we were having another baby so soon, I was determined to get Logan potty trained.  I do not like the idea of having 3 babies in diapers.   
At first Logan treated his new potty as a toy.  And he will still use it to reach high places.  So we have to make sure to clean it out every time he uses it.  Otherwise we end up with a mess.

After a week we were so excited when we would find him going all by himself.  The only problem we have run into, is he has to run around without underwear on all day.  And when we leave to go somewhere, I put a diaper on him just in case.  Once that diaper is on....he thinks he is ok to just let it out.  But he now hates to mess in his diaper, so he takes it off to do his business.  And the last couple of days he has had underwear on, with no accidents.  Hurray!

Potty training is a tough gig.  It wears the little guy out.


Getting House Ready to Sell

 The last few months have been a blur for us with trying to get our house ready to sell.  I never thought the day would finally come when we put it up on the market.  Our first big project was the kitchen.

Tristan and Ashton were very good to help up get the cabinets ready to paint.  Das and I tried to get most of it done on the weekends but what we didn't get done together, I took care of while he was at work.
We are so happy with the results of the kitchen.  We wish we had done it sooner so we could enjoy it before it sold. 
We decided to do the bathroom cabinets next.  A lot of our ideas were found on pinterest.

Our house went up on the market...and we were under contract the next day.  We were very happy!  They even offered the full asking price.  If all goes well, we close on the 10th of April.  From there we plan to move in with my parents while we build a home in Lehi.  Why Lehi?  We have heard so many wonderful things about the schools was a big one.  And Das's work, Xactware is building in Lehi as well and it will be done in 2014.  Both are on the East side of the freeway.  But we are still waiting on a home in Riverton that would be perfect for our family as well.  So we will just have to see what happens in the next couple of weeks. 

Sunday, January 27, 2013

1st St. George Trip of 2013

We had made plans to go to St. George over Thanksgiving right after Das's knee surgery.  But unfortunately, the surgery was a little more complicated than expected.  So we didn't think it would be all that relaxing.
So then we decided we would go down over New Years.  But I waited too long to get the condo booked, and my nephew had already made plans to be down there.  So we decided to head down the day after New Years.  It was warmer than SLC...but still chilly.  Tristan had come down with a nasty cold on New Years.  And within 48 hours, Logan and Dallon both became sick.  Dallon and I spent a lot of time by the steamy hot tub.  But without our humidifier....the boys just got worse.  So I didn't get a lot of pictures taken.  We spent a lot of time swimming, watching movies, and playing games.  On top of the boys all being sick....I wasn't feeling well either.  I just kept thinking it was exhaustion from Christmas, New Years, and sick kids.  That was the 1st week of the 3 weeks I began to worry I might be pregnant.  But really....I kept thinking....not a chance!  HAHAHA!  SURPRISE!!!  It's going to be one busy year!  Glad my parents have such a nice place in St. George for us to use and escape all the daily stress at home.  I am sure we will be down there alot this next year!

New Years Eve 2012

We decided to keep New Years Eve low key this time around since Dallon was just getting better.  We grilled up some steaks and had bruschetta. 
For dessert, we did fondue. We let the boys dip pretzels, marshmallows, and bananas in the chocolate sauce and roll them in nuts and sprinkles.

Sugar rush for sure!

Dallon was the only child that made it past midnight.
I couldn't have chosen any other people to spend my New Years Eve with than my wonderful husband and beautiful boys.  2012 was an exciting year for us with the birth of Dallon.  We did a lot of playing but also worked hard.  This next year will be just as exciting and already full of surprises.  Can't wait to see what 2013 will bring.

Christmas Morning 2012

I love these boys of mine!  We have them come straight to our room Christmas morning so we can all go out together.
They all got what they asked Santa for.  Logan got some puzzles, crayons, and this activity cube.
Tristan and Ashton both got Red Rider BB guns.  They are excited to take them to our cabin this summer for target practice.  You'll shoot your eye out!
Logan definitely loves this Aqua doodle matt.  We thought it would help curb his habit of coloring on the walls.  Yeah....not so much.

The biggest and most exciting thing received was the Xbox.  They would have it on 24/7 if they could.  They love to get onto Xbox Live and play with their cousins.
Grandma and Grandpa bought Tristan and Ashton skateboards and pads.  It has been way too cold the last few weeks for them to take them outside.  They are excited for the snow to melt.  Christmas night we planned on getting together with Das's side of the family.  But with Dallon having croup, we didn't want to take him around Racie and Ratha's new baby.  So I stayed home, and Das took the boys for a short bit to exchange gifts.  I am glad they were able to go.  Dallon and I just relaxed.  It was another great Christmas!

Christmas Eve Came and Went!

Christmas Eve came and went.  As did New Years, and then the whole month of January.  We have had so many things going on (getting our house ready to sell, surprise pregnancy, St. George, Etc.) that I have not had time to blog.  But this last year I started scrap booking again and the blog definitely came in handy when trying to organize and document what we had done.  I was able to get all of 2010 done.  So I want to make sure I keep up on my blogs.
Christmas Eve Dallon was sounding really croupy.  We decided we better take him to Kids Care.  It was crazy busy.  We waited for 2 hours until we were seen.  First they said he had bronchiolitis and put a tube up his nose to suction out the mucous.  After that he was screaming, and the nurse said she was pretty sure he had croup.  So the doctor came back in and gave him a steroid.  And sent me home with one to give him later.

Dallon seemed okay to take him to my parents house that night.  And since there are no other babies as of now....we weren't worried about him getting anyone sick.  Logan sure loves my Uncle Dean(above).

We all  enjoyed wonderful food and company.  And were very entertained by the sweaters and molestaches that my nephews were sporting.

I love how fun and entertaining my family is!
We asked my mom to take a picture for us.  She had a tough time figuring out the iPhone at first.  But once she did, she snapped a ton of photos.  Each one containing my crazy sister Christine photo bombing in the background.  We got a great laugh at that one.

Lynette asked to be cropped out of this one.  I wish she wasn't....because she is beautiful and looks great in all of them.  I love having so many sisters, terrific mother, and wonderful sister in law.  They are my best friends. 
After the nativity was performed by the grand kids, we had them all stand together for a cousin picture.  It really is so much fun having such a large family.  We love getting together with all of them.  We love all of you and are so lucky we get to celebrate the birth of Christ with so many wonderful people.