Christmas Eve came and went. As did New Years, and then the whole month of January. We have had so many things going on (getting our house ready to sell, surprise pregnancy, St. George, Etc.) that I have not had time to blog. But this last year I started scrap booking again and the blog definitely came in handy when trying to organize and document what we had done. I was able to get all of 2010 done. So I want to make sure I keep up on my blogs.

Christmas Eve Dallon was sounding really croupy. We decided we better take him to Kids Care. It was crazy busy. We waited for 2 hours until we were seen. First they said he had bronchiolitis and put a tube up his nose to suction out the mucous. After that he was screaming, and the nurse said she was pretty sure he had croup. So the doctor came back in and gave him a steroid. And sent me home with one to give him later.
Dallon seemed okay to take him to my parents house that night. And since there are no other babies as of now....we weren't worried about him getting anyone sick. Logan sure loves my Uncle Dean(above).

We all enjoyed wonderful food and company. And were very entertained by the sweaters and molestaches that my nephews were sporting.
I love how fun and entertaining my family is!
We asked my mom to take a picture for us. She had a tough time figuring out the iPhone at first. But once she did, she snapped a ton of photos. Each one containing my crazy sister Christine photo bombing in the background. We got a great laugh at that one.
Lynette asked to be cropped out of this one. I wish she wasn't....because she is beautiful and looks great in all of them. I love having so many sisters, terrific mother, and wonderful sister in law. They are my best friends.
After the nativity was performed by the grand kids, we had them all stand together for a cousin picture. It really is so much fun having such a large family. We love getting together with all of them. We love all of you and are so lucky we get to celebrate the birth of Christ with so many wonderful people.