I love these boys of mine! We have them come straight to our room Christmas morning so we can all go out together.
They all got what they asked Santa for. Logan got some puzzles, crayons, and this activity cube.
Tristan and Ashton both got Red Rider BB guns. They are excited to take them to our cabin this summer for target practice. You'll shoot your eye out!

Logan definitely loves this Aqua doodle matt. We thought it would help curb his habit of coloring on the walls. Yeah....not so much.
The biggest and most exciting thing received was the Xbox. They would have it on 24/7 if they could. They love to get onto Xbox Live and play with their cousins.

Grandma and Grandpa bought Tristan and Ashton skateboards and pads. It has been way too cold the last few weeks for them to take them outside. They are excited for the snow to melt. Christmas night we planned on getting together with Das's side of the family. But with Dallon having croup, we didn't want to take him around Racie and Ratha's new baby. So I stayed home, and Das took the boys for a short bit to exchange gifts. I am glad they were able to go. Dallon and I just relaxed. It was another great Christmas!
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