Sunday, January 22, 2012

Thanksgiving Point Dinosaur Museum

 My girlfriend Sharon just had a baby last month and is on maternity leave from work.  She asked me if I wanted to meet up with her to go to the childrens musem and Thanksgiving Point.
The boys had such a great time. The part they enjoyed the most was diggin in the wet and dry sand.  We let the kids play for quite a bit while we sat and chatted.

 We also went into the imagination section.  Very cool stuff in there.

We had a great time!  Thanks Sharon for inviting us!

Logan's first haircut

We decided that Logan's hair was getting way to long in front so it was time for a haircut.

But only his bangs were getting cut.  No way will I cut off all those curls in back.

He did very well!  And he can now see mcuh better.

He loves to go up those stairs still.  And thinks he it is so funny that is scares me.

He also loves to climb under the table and hang out with the kitty.  It's his little hut.