Friday, September 30, 2011


So I am addicted to  I have found some really great things on there and I am enjoying trying some of them out.  I came across glitter pumpkins last week, and I couldn't wait to try them.  I searched several stores for the right glitter and pumpkins.  I finally found Martha Stewart Glitter. 
I then purchased some small real pumpkins, and one cheap fake one.  I tried it out first on the fake one. 
The first one is the far right pink one.  It turned out really cute.  I then realized it would be best to do fake pumpkins all together so that I could use them next year.  So I let the boys choose some least favorite colors....and they glittered the real pumpkins.  The two blue ones in the picture.  I obviously touched them up, but they did a wonderful job overall for as long as they stayed entertained, which wasn't long.  If only I had a girl.;) 
I then purchased a large real pumpkin and large fake one.  The real one I spray painted and then glittered a J for Jettie.  The fake one turned out the best.  I am really happy with them and still have lots of glitter left for next year.
Happy Fall Everyone!

Tuesday, September 27, 2011

Baby Motzart....Logan

Logan has shown lots of interest in playing the piano as well. 

The Sound of Music

So Saturday after the estate sale, Das picked up a trailor to bring home the piano.  For as beat up and old as it is, it is not to out of key.  
Now all I need to do is find a bench, and paint it.  Any one have suggestions on the color I should do? 
The boys have loved it.  We have had to put time limits on it, cuz they are always "making up" new songs.  Sometimes its a little to much to handle.  But I am so excited to have them start taking lessons and even more excited that they are excited.  I will have to pick up all my sheet music from my moms and start playing again as well.