Tuesday, July 17, 2012

Cabin Part 2

 Sunday morning after breakfast the dads took all the kids on a hike behind the cabin.
 Then everyone started packing up to head home.  Das and I stayed another night.
 After everyone was packed up to go, we all visited for a little longer and took some fun picks.
Jeff and Kevin

I was very proud of all the kids.  They all got along so well and made new friends. 

 We enjoyed sitting out on the front deck watching the humming birds.  Dallon also did really well this trip.  I can't believe he is already a month old. 
He is pretty spoiled though.  Loves to be held.  And he's getting some chubby cheeks.

It turned out to be a favorite trip of ours.  We really had great company join us.  Thanks Mansourri's, Pedroza's, and Aoyagi's for making this trip a memorable one.  I've enjoyed getting to know each of you better and looking forward to next time.  After our guests all left, Das and I took the kids into town for dinner.  We went to bed at a decent hour and started clean up bright and early.  We always hate to say goodbye.  Our next trip can't come soon enough.

Another Cabin Getaway

 We got up to the cabin later then we had hoped Friday night.  But luckily everyone else showed up around the same time.  We unloaded our stuff and got settled in.  Just as we were about to sit down and relax, the power went out.  As the kids were screaming (and a few of the adults) we searched for flashlights.  We got the best light from our phones.  Some one pulled out their iPad and turned on a movie for the kids.  That kept them very entertained.  Luckily the power wasn't off too long.
The next day was quite productive although it was rainy and muddy.  But we pulled out the 4 wheeler, and Kevin and Das pulled out the motor bikes. 
The kids had a great time finding bones all around the cabin. 

 Das and Kevin were gone about 45 minutes on the bikes and decided it was too wet to continue.  Funny thing is it rained the hardest while they were out.  The rest of the trip was perfect weather.
 Tristan and Ashton did a really great job on the four wheelers riding around the cabin.  We spent the rest of the day eating, relaxing, more 4 wheeler rides, and playing games.