Thursday, December 29, 2011

Christmas Eve at the Weidner's(part 1)

By the time we got to my parents house, they had already started dinner.  So we grabbed us a plate and proceeded to stuff our faces again.  I love being pregnant over the Holidays.  I can eat, and not worry to much about the weight gain. lol 

I of course was camera happy, so I carried Das's phone around with me. 
Amy and Mont VanWagenen

My mother, and Rebecca.  And this is where the night ended.  Well, not exactly true.  I headed into use the restroom.  As I prepared to sit on the toilet I heard a plink and plunk.  I was horrified to turn around.  Could this really be happening to me....AGAIN?!  Sure enough, Das's iphone was in the toilet.  I snatched it out, wiped it off, said a little prayer that Das wouldn't kill me, and headed to hide.  As I headed to find some rice, I ran into Das and told him what I had done.  Can I just say I have such a wonderful husband?  He is so patient and kind.  I knew he had to be upset, but he didn't show it.  So the night did continue.  Just waiting on pictures from siblings to post more.  And as for the iphone....It Survived!!!  It spent 3 days in some rice and came out just fine.  It must have been that little prayer I said.
To be Continued.....

Christmas Eve Afternoon

Christmas Eve was originally supposed to be at the Freeman's house this year.  But I have never missed a Christmas Eve at my parents house, so thanks to Mirabai holding her party earlier, we were able to make both. 
We all met up around 1:00 for lunch.(Well, most of us.  The Velasquez family had a rough time getting  Aunt Kay, with her two daughters, Margie, and Ana, and Margie's boyfriend Chris, all proceeded to walk into what the thought was the Freeman home.  Took a look around, and realized the pictures on the wall were not of anyone they recognized.  Margie hurried and rushed everyone out of the home and back into the car with the family running after them.  What a hoot! 
After filling our bellies with delicious food Mirabai prepared, we gathered around to exchange gifts. 

 It went from youngest to oldest.  Keli had drawn Scott's name and she definitely made him work for his gift.  I think she wrapped 10 different boxes stuffed inside of each other.  He thought it was great.  Mira chose my name, and bought me "Real Mom's Kitchen" cookbook!  I am so excited!

While Mirabai got dessert ready, I wanted to get family pictures.  Above is the Jettie clan.
Rama, Ratha, Alma, Das, Keli, and Mirabai.   
Das Jettie's clan

Ms. Keli and her boyfriend Randy.

Ratha, Racie, and Boston Jettie

The Velasquez Family
Ana, Aunt Kay, and Margie.(missing Natasha)

The Freeman's
Scott, Mark, Melissa, Mirabai, and Josh

Margie and her bf Chris.  Mirabai is always such a gracious host.  We really do appreciate her hospitality and hard work to get everyone together.  After dessert we packed everyone up and headed into my side of the family for dinner.

Sunday, December 18, 2011

Xactaware Christmas Party 2011

 Xactware always puts together such wonderful Christmas parties.  This year was my favorite!
As you walked up, they had a limo sitting out front, with a spotlight and red carpet.  And you were being filmed as you walked up.  As soon as you got in, they sent you over to get your picture taken in front of a Hollywood sign backdrop.  After they printed out the picture, we went and found our seats that Joe and Kelly were so nice to come early and save for us.  There were nice picture frames for the guests to place the picture that was just taken.
After the delicious buffet, they sent out the entertainment.  I can't remember his name, but he was a juggling comedian and was hilarious.  My cheeks hurt by the end.  This picture is of him trying to get on a really tall unicycle with the help of two gentlemen from the audience. Awkward! lol

They then gave out some rewards like at the Oscar's.  And afterwards they had each of the employees stand underneath one of four nets with balloons.

After the balloons were dropped and everyone had one, they popped them to find their surprise.  The gift cards ranged from $25 to $300.  Das got a $25 gift card to Five Guys.

Mia Love and myself.  Mia just knocked me out of the playoffs in our fantasy football league.  I'm not too happy about that, but I'll live.;) 

We've decided to make a tradition with Joe and Kelly to take our pictures by the trees at the end.  Unfortunately the company is expanding so much that they no longer will be able to hold it at Thanksgiving Point.  Xactware is such a wonderful company and they have been so good to Das.  I am so grateful to them and putting together such wonderful events.

Saturday, December 17, 2011

No Empty Chairs

A couple of years ago around this same time I started this blog.  One of my first blogs was about my parents celebrating their 48th anniversary.  And just the other night, we celebrated their 50th anniversary. 
What a wonderful and exciting thing to celebrate.  And such an accomplishment for them. 
My nephew Taylor and his adorable fiance, Paige. 
The Mcbride's 
We booked a room at the Joseph Smith Memorial Building.  The view of the temple was gorgeous with all the lights hung.  And the food was delicious. 
My oldest sister Lynette conducted.  During dinner she asked each of the children to stand up and tell a memory we had.  The memories had us all laughing and crying.  And we each paid tribute to our wonderful parents and their example. 

After we finished eating, my sister Amy had put together a slide show for everyone.  It started back when my parents were children and ended with the last grandchild being born(Logan).  And then a small clip of my nephew Cameron serving a mission in South America.  There wasn't a dry eye in the room after that.  It was also really neat to have pictures at the end of Das and my recent sealing.  We are the last of my parents children to get sealed and to make sure we have no empty chairs.  Amy also gathered pictures from each of us to put into a 150 page scrapbook to surprise my parents with.  It turned out lovely.

After the video, we all sat and enjoyed a beautiful song written and sung by my rock star sister...Amy!  I want to get a copy of it.  She has such talent and I love to hear her perform.  This song was called,"A Beautiful Life." 
The night turned out perfectly.  I am thankful for creative sisters who spent months putting it all together.  And for my brother for letting us do it.:)  But most of all, I am thankful for my parents and for their everlasting example of love and marriage.  They have a marriage that I strive to live for.  Families are forever and they have proved that families can stay together through all.  I have never heard my parents fight or talk bad about one another.  They have always put each other first.  I hope to someday accomplish 50 years of marriage with my perfect husband.
The night ended with my parents expressing their undevoted love for each other.  After 50 years, they are still so in love and it truly is a beautiful life.
A small clip I took of my sister singing.

Saturday, December 10, 2011

Tristan's new shower buddy.

A few days ago Tristan thought the cat was dirty and needed to be bathed.  I told him that cats did not like water and cleaned themselves.
 He was really concerned though that she needed a bath, so I told him I would buy some special shampoo for her soon.  About 20 minutes later, I noticed Tristan had climbed into the shower without me asking him.
 I told Ashton to go tell him it was time to get out.  Ashton came running out telling us that Cleopatra was in the shower with Tristan.  Tristan has gotten her out of the shower before I was able to get there.
But there was no hiding this wet kitty.  She was surprisingly calm.  Even when I dried her a little with the blowdryer.  I couldn't help but laugh and I wanted to be upset at Tristan, but it was just to dang funny.

Sunday, December 4, 2011

Look Who Turned One!

                            I Can't believe a year ago I was in the hospital holding our new baby Logan.  It feels just like yesterday this little man blessed our home.  The past year has been wonderful and we are so thankful to have him be in our family.  He has been a joy!
Of course the boys couldn't wait to give him a gift (ok... me and Das as well).    It is so much fun to watch him interact with this doggy.  And he claps and wiggles along with it.  The cat was also entertained. 
 After opening presents we cooked up his favorite breakfast.  Banana and Nutella crepes.  He scarfed the whole thing down.  He even ate more then his "big brothers."
 He really eats everything though.  I don't think there is anything he hasn't eaten that we have put in front of him.
Even switching him over to milk (yes guilty of switching early) was easy.  I am excited to see how much he weighs at his appointment tomorrow.

Later that afternoon we headed into my parent's house to pick up the banana/chocolate/whipping cream cake that my mom had made. My favorite growing up...and still is.  Das had some things to take care of in Holladay, so we hung out at my parents for a while.  Logan LOVES pianos! 

 My mom then gave Logan the gifts they bought him.  She got him some pj's, a stuffed elephant, and a darling winter suit. 

When we got home, we let him open open his last present.  He really liked this one.....for about 10 minutes. lol  That's what I have found with my other children.  Toys only keep their attention for a short time, and then they are back to the simpler things. I could rewrap these gifts for him for Christmas and he wouldn't even know the difference.  But that wouldn't be any fun now would it? lol 

We then turned out the lights and sang him happy birthday.  He went to town on his cake.   By the time he was done, Das had to put him in the shower and change his pajamas.  It is so much fun to go back and look at the pictures throughout the year and to see how much he has changed.  He's crawling all over, up and down the stairs, into the cat food and cupboards, etc.  He can get off the couch and bed by himself.  He hates to sleep in his crib and loves to kick me and Das all night in our bed.  But he melts everyone's hearts.  They have started calling him the mascot in Primary cuz he'll go to just anyone.  He dances and claps to music.  He loves to turn the tv off to get our attention.  He tries to comb his own hair after I've combed it.  He's a beast when eating ice cream.  He follows the boys around everywhere.  He tortures the cat.  And he loves to cuddle!!!  Each of our boys have all been different and special in their own ways. We love our curly haired little man more than we could ever put into words.  Happy Birthday Logan!