Wednesday, April 4, 2012

Conference Weekend

Das printed out some bingo boards for the boys to play during  conference.  Tristan was a poor sport about losing the first game, but Ashton enjoyed it.  And they all of course enjoyed the candy as well.  It was a really great weekend.  And many great talks!

Sunday, April 1, 2012

 After our 5K, we had a bunch of topsoil, and gravel waiting for us.  It didn't look like a lot, but it took us all day to get it off the driveway.  Plus Logan didn't help much.  Luckily he took a two hour nap and we were able to put a dent in our soil.
Ashton on the other hand, was more then helpful.  He was out most of the time with us pulling weeds and shoveling soil.  I told him I would by him a slushy for being such a big helper.  He told Tristan and Tristan decided he wanted to help.  Tristan likes to look like he is doing something, when he really isn't.  He and Ashton couldn't be more different.

Das is such a hard worker.  I am hurting today, so I can only guess he is too.  And he got fried!  But I don't hear him complain.  I have such an amazing husband. 
Around 4 o'clock, our neighbor came over with his two boys, and another wheelbarrow to help us out.  It is so great to have such wonderful neighbors.  We sure do love them!  I am glad we got all the soil down before the rain/snow today.  Now its time for the gravel. Ugh!

Run 4 Love

Saturday morning we went to support our friend Mia Love who is running for congress.  They were doing a 5k that we signed up for.  It started at 9 AM and the wind was a bit chilly.

It was a great turn out.  After a few words from Mia, everyone lined up for the run.   

Tristan and Ashton saw all the goodies they had out on the table for those who finished the race and were excited to run.  They took off with the rest of the group, leaving Das and I in their dust.  About a half mile in, a tire on our stroller popped.  I was worried about the boys getting lost, so I kept on going as hard as it was climbing the hills ahead of me.  I got to a corner and asked the people on the corner if they saw the boys.  The reassured me that they were with the group and running fast.  Das caught up to me with Logan on his shoulders.  I probably would have turned back....but that's my husband for you.  He's not a quitter.  And he wanted to see how I felt carrying that extra weight for 3 miles

We got to the end of the run where the boys were waiting for us.  Everyone said they did such a good job keeping up.  I am very proud of them.  They headed straight for the goodies and I headed to sit down while Das went to get the stroller.  We love Mia Love and are behind her 100%!