Sunday, December 23, 2012

Dallon is 1/2 a year old!

I can't get over how cute these boys of mine are.  And I can't believe it has already been 6 months since Dallon joined our family.  He has the sweetest spirit. 
I took him in last week for his 6 month checkup.  He weighed in at 19.11 lbs.  What a chunk! 
And I also can't get over his bubble but.  I love it!

Logan cracks me up.  While in the waiting room, he kept taking books over to some of the other moms who were waiting with their kids.  Then he would climb up next to them wanting them to read to him.  He is very social.
 Dallon smiles all the time and loves watching his brothers clown around.  He grabs at everything and everything goes in his mouth.
 Lately he has been sucking on his bottom lip.  I am not sure if its a teething thing or not.  But it sure is cute.
 His eyes look like little slits when he smiles because of his chubby cheeks.  When he drinks his bottle, milk gets under his chin and many rolls and stinks if I don't constantly keep it clean.  He has learned to clap his hands. He loves his bouncer and broccoli cheese soup.  Still not sitting up or rolling over....but not a big deal.  We sure are lucky to have another boy in this family.  I want to cherish every moment with him.  He lightens up the room.

Tender Moments

I am so glad my iPhone takes good pictures.  Because I am always snapping away trying to capture each moment in our house.  Logan loves to read with his daddy.  Das has a few books on his iPad that Logan especially loves.  He is always asking for "Digger the Dinosaur."
As much as I dislike our cat.....Logan loves her.  And she puts up with him.  He will sit on her, pull her hair and skin, and lay on top of her.  But yet she loves the attention, and follows him around every where.
Dallon is working on his sitting up.  He is just so fat, that his face goes red and he looks like he can't breath. lol

Of course I can't pass up a chance to get a picture of sleeping babies.
Sure love this blue eyed babe of mine!
Naughty and Nice!
Logan comes into our room every morning around 7:30 to wake us up.  He will lay right on top of Das and pat his cheeks until Das opens his eyes.

Dallon is so good in primary with us.  And its right around nap time, so occasionally he will fall asleep.

 I kept making the boys put these costumes on to try and get a good Christmas card picture.  It was a challenge getting them all to look at the camera at the same time.  But in the end...the pics turned out great!

Sunday, December 16, 2012

Xactwares 2012 Christmas Party

Das's work party has been at Thanksgiving Point the past 4 years but they switched it to the Provo Convention Center this year. We were concerned that we weren't going to make it with needing a sitter for 5+ hours. But fortunately, my wonderful family made it possible to attend.  My niece, Samantha came to our house to watch Logan and Dallon.  And we dropped Tristan and Ashton off at my brother and sister in law's to play with their triplet cousins.
We were a little late getting there, but Jason and Mia Love had saved us a seat.  The company gets larger each year.  I believe they said that they had hired 100 new people this year.  They had over 800 people at the party. Das was introducing me to co-workers (left and right) and their spouses.  It is so much fun to meet all these neat people that he gets the opportunity to work with.

Mia and I sat next to each other and enjoyed the chit chatting.  After eating prime rib, salmon, and all the tasty sides, they started the amazing program that they have each year.  This year they brought in Peter Breinholt.  I loved him back in high school and he was just as great as I remembered.  Then they played some clips of the employees saying Merry Christmas Xactware.  Das was one of them.  he should be awarded an Emmy. lol Then they asked a bunch of the employees children some questions about Xactware and what their parents do. Kids are so dang funny.  It was very well put together. 
Once the program was over, they passed out  bags to each employee with numbers inside each bag.  Everyone was able to swtich once with another person.  Then once you opened your bag, it determined what you recieved.  The prizes ranged from a $300 dollar gift card to Cabellas, to $25 dollars to Texas Road House......which we received.

They had dancing afterwards, but we had to get home to the kids.  As always though, we had a great time.  Das works for such a great company.  And I am grateful for all they do for the employees.  And even more grateful for how hard my husband works to provide for our family.  I am lucky wife!

The Spirit Of Chistmas

Christmas comes quicker each year it seems.  And each year I try to get my shopping done early, so I can just sit back and enjoy the holiday fin with my family.  This year Tristan has already started to question if Santa is real.  I am not ready for him to stop believing this early.  For the last couple of years, I have seen the "Elf On The Shelf" but I've never been a huge fan.  I was willing to try something new to keep my oldest believing just one more year.

They have really enjoyed finding him each morning...although many times I have forgetten to move him.  I do think it has helped to keep Tristan a believer for one more year.  After the horrific incident that happened in Connecticut a couple of days ago, I want to hold on to their youth now even more. 
I won't deny that "The Elf'" is a little creepy, and cheesy.  But if it makes my children happy...then I am all over it.  I want to do everything that I can to help them enjoy their childhood and to help them stay young for as long as they can.  It seems there is so much sorrow in the world today, that I want to do whatever it takes to show my boys that there is also Love.  And I want to go to bed each night knowing that I did my best to teach them LOVE above anything else.

I want them to know that life is more than just being "popular' or playing sports.  That they are more then just their cute faces.  I want them to know that I love them and will always love them.  I have been given a huge responsibility as a mother to raise them right.  I will have no regrets. 
I felt very honored when we were asked by our neighbor to act out the nativity scene during a ward gathering.  I called around about some costumes, and my sister in law found some amazing shepherds costumes for the boys.  Love the beards! 
A lady in the ward had sewn the neatest Mary and Joseph costumes ever.  We didn't want to give them back. 
Dallon was our sweet Baby Jesus.  He played the role so well. 
They started out by having Das and I walk around the tables while the song,"Silent Night" was playing.  We then headed out in the hallway and onto the stage with Dallon.  Logan was supposed to walk in with the wise men and shepherds, but insisted on following us up on stage.  He was throwing a fit....and then the curtains started to open.  Like a deer in the headlights he froze up with all the lights and people looking at him.  Logan slowly backed up and stood next to us.
Once Tristan and Ashton came on stage and kneeled down, Logan followed suit.  They all sat there peacefully while the song played out.  You could feel the spirit so strong.  I was so happy that I was able to have my family experience the true meaning of Christmas.   
And so what is the real meaning of Christmas?  It's about that glorious night when the angels came telling the shephards of the birth of Christ. It's about the star in the heavens looking down on the babe. It's about the choirs of heaven singing of this great event. It's about His Wondrous Birth. It's about the beginning of the salvation of mankind. It's especially about Christ's love for us...the greatest sacrifice ever made. And because of His birth and His atonement, we may live with him again as we surround ourselves with his love. Christmas is about the Love of Christ. That's what I want my children to remember.

The Terrible Terrific Twos!

December 3rd we celebrated Logan's 2nd birthday.  Das had gone to Costco the day before to pick out a gift.  We knew we wanted to get him some sort of bike.  They had the big wheels available....but it was for 3 and older.  We figured he would grow into it.  Das had quite the challenge putting it together. 
Das also grabbed some puzzles and books for him. He loves to rip open the wrapping paper. 

I asked Das to pick him up a small cake also.  Das didn't want to get a huge he got several cupcakes instead.   They were perfect.  Logan wanted Das to keep lighting them so he could blow them out. He would try blowing them out before they were even fully lit.
Logan sings Happy Birthday really well.  I tried to get a video, but he was so busy with the candles.   
Turns out even though the big wheels is too big for him....he loves it.  He pushes it all around the house.  And he always has his santa hat on. Ho ho ho!!!

Sunday, November 25, 2012

We give Thanks!

This was our year to have Thanksgiving at Mirabais house.  The always...was delicious. 
Mirabai always has a fun activity planned each time we get together.  This year she has us each bring small items to stuff stockings to send across seas to those serving in the military.  Neat idea.   
After eating and catching up....we left and headed to my parents house.  It worked out too since they had started their gathering later.   
I'm so thankful for little helpers.  These girls love playing with the babies. 
My heart is full.  I have so much to be thankful for. 
I am thankful for my 4 beautiful healthy boys.  They fill my life with so much love and laughter.  They each bring so much to our family.   I am thankful for my husband and all he does for our family.  I am thankful for his strength and his testimony.  He is my best friend, my everything.  I'm thankful for my parents.  They have taught us so much.  And taught us the importance of forever families.  I am thankful for the gospel and for our Savior, Jesus Christ.  I have much more to give thanks for.  Happy Thanksgiving!

Das had surgery

I dropped Das at the hospital early Thursday morning.  Two hours later I came back to pick him up.  He was in a lot of pain. Hmmmm...Morphine!

Logan at first seemed really concerned and was afraid to go near him.
But after a minute he wanted to give him loves and make sure he was okay.
Das has spent the whole week laid up in bed.  He hasn't complained much.  I know he has been hating not being able to do much.  And it probably kills him that I have had to drive him around.  I am a very cautious driver.

I took all the kids to church Sunday and left Das at home.  Our primary class made Das some get well cards.  They were cute!
I left the boys with Das for an hour and came home to these sleeping boys.  So sweet!
Das has to keep the brace on for a little longer.  The surgery was a lot more intense then his first one.  Longer recovery and physical therapy.  But I am glad he finally got it taken care of and he can focus on less pain in the future.  Ive enjoyed having him home.  It has been a lot of work.....but I've loved the company while I have been painting and my regular daily duties.  But its back to work for him tomorrow.:(