Sunday, December 23, 2012

Dallon is 1/2 a year old!

I can't get over how cute these boys of mine are.  And I can't believe it has already been 6 months since Dallon joined our family.  He has the sweetest spirit. 
I took him in last week for his 6 month checkup.  He weighed in at 19.11 lbs.  What a chunk! 
And I also can't get over his bubble but.  I love it!

Logan cracks me up.  While in the waiting room, he kept taking books over to some of the other moms who were waiting with their kids.  Then he would climb up next to them wanting them to read to him.  He is very social.
 Dallon smiles all the time and loves watching his brothers clown around.  He grabs at everything and everything goes in his mouth.
 Lately he has been sucking on his bottom lip.  I am not sure if its a teething thing or not.  But it sure is cute.
 His eyes look like little slits when he smiles because of his chubby cheeks.  When he drinks his bottle, milk gets under his chin and many rolls and stinks if I don't constantly keep it clean.  He has learned to clap his hands. He loves his bouncer and broccoli cheese soup.  Still not sitting up or rolling over....but not a big deal.  We sure are lucky to have another boy in this family.  I want to cherish every moment with him.  He lightens up the room.

Tender Moments

I am so glad my iPhone takes good pictures.  Because I am always snapping away trying to capture each moment in our house.  Logan loves to read with his daddy.  Das has a few books on his iPad that Logan especially loves.  He is always asking for "Digger the Dinosaur."
As much as I dislike our cat.....Logan loves her.  And she puts up with him.  He will sit on her, pull her hair and skin, and lay on top of her.  But yet she loves the attention, and follows him around every where.
Dallon is working on his sitting up.  He is just so fat, that his face goes red and he looks like he can't breath. lol

Of course I can't pass up a chance to get a picture of sleeping babies.
Sure love this blue eyed babe of mine!
Naughty and Nice!
Logan comes into our room every morning around 7:30 to wake us up.  He will lay right on top of Das and pat his cheeks until Das opens his eyes.

Dallon is so good in primary with us.  And its right around nap time, so occasionally he will fall asleep.

 I kept making the boys put these costumes on to try and get a good Christmas card picture.  It was a challenge getting them all to look at the camera at the same time.  But in the end...the pics turned out great!