Monday, January 10, 2011

1 Month Old....ALREADY!

I can't believe a month has already passed.  We love this little boy so much and have already spoiled him rotten.  He rarely cries as long as he is being held.  And he sleeps in bed with us at night.  Not something I am proud of, but its sometimes easier than to get out of bed myself.  But I am gonna work on that this week.  He is such a good eater, that he is really starting to feel out.  He also has the noisiest bodily functions.  He grunts and grunts all the time.  And I have never heard a baby fart and burp as much as he does. lol  He must take after his daddy in that department.  Tristan and Ashton are so wonderful with him and love to help me out as much as I'll let them.  Logan is very alert and I can already tell he is gonna look up to his big brothers.

Mario Addiction

If I didn't regulate their playing time, the remotes would have to be surgically removed from their hands.  But at least I can get them to do the simplest tasks now that were like pulling teeth brushing their teeth.  And keeping their bedroom clean.  And hanging their coats up and putting away their shoes.

And yes, the addiction is with the whole family.  Das will sit and help the kids out during the day and then at night he and I play.  Friday night we didn't go to bed until 3AM.  I know, sad! lol
The boys took the remote from Das and said it was all wet.  Das was sweating from the intensity. lol
Needless to say, we are enjoying the WII.  Mario isn't the only game we play.  We have been doing the WII Fit as well.  And that makes me a feel a little better about how much time we spend on it.